IEM200 Studio Grade In-Ear Headphones – Review

IEM200 Studio Grade In-Ear Headphones
Puro Sound Labs
Price: $30 (Free shipping in the U.S.)
In-ear earphones, used judiciously, can provide an immensely satisfying diversion. If you’re raking leaves or doing some other mindless chore, a good set of earbuds can keep the job from becoming a grind. Unfortunately, these same earbuds can cause permanent and irreversible hearing loss if played too loud.
Puro Sound Labs, a company that makes reputable audio equipment, came up with a logical solution to this problem, which many parents should applaud. Its IEM200 In-Ear Headphones have been configured to provide a pleasant but not ear-splitting experience, making the listening experience entertaining and also healthy.
I gave the earphones to a sixth grader named Enzo Merino. He sums up his experience below.
By Enzo Merino
I know parents worry about unsafe volume levels, but the Puro Sound Labs IEM200 Studio Grade In-Ear Headphones promise to keep our ears safe from high volume levels and potential hearing loss with its restricted volume level (85 dB max).
Let’s start off with the design: Red and black are the only two options. Only two colors are available for a kids product? I wish there were more colors. I reviewed the red version and it looks amazing. The shape and angles of each part caught my attention, and it’s very futuristic.
There is no volume control, so you have to turn up and turn down the volume through your iPhone, iPad, or computer. This was frustrating for me. IEM200 comes with a carrying pouch, but let’s be realistic, I would never use a carrying pouch when I have a backpack or pockets in my pants.
Overall it’s very cool. They sound good and the earbuds separated background noise from my music or games I played. The earpieces are comfortable. I only use these headphones about an hour daily since I am not allowed to be on my iPad for too long. This product comes with extra ear tips just in case you have six ears (I couldn’t resist a joke). The Puro IEM200 feels good and looks good, but they definitely need the volume controller.
– Enzo Merino is a 6th grade student and the comedian of his family