These Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Kids Will Stop Your Little Cherubs From Deafening Themselves

If you're raising kids in this fast-paced, tech saturated world, then god speed and good luck to you, but your struggle just got a little easier thanks to these snazzy new noise-cancelling wireless headphones from Puro Sound Labs, with volume control to stop your kids from deafening themselves. Those tiny brains are still forming and they don't know what's good for them.
The studio-grade headphones limit sound to 85 decibels, while the noise-cancellation blocks out ambient sounds like the hustle and bustle or daily life - or parental disciplinary attempts - up to 22dB, with 82 per cent noise isolation. And there's a ton of additional features making them versatile enough for gaming, and simply nattering away on the phone.
“Studies show that listening to music above 85dB for extended periods of time can cause permanent hearing damage and the louder the volume, the quicker the damage can occur," says Puro Sound Labs founder and CEO, Dave Russell.
"Puro Sound Labs was created to address the world health epidemic of noise-induced hearing loss after my wife and I became aware that our daughter had hearing damage at a young age, which we determined as a result of listening with her headphones too loudly. We want kids to enjoy great sounding music but we also want to be sure that they are listening at safe volume levels. We’re excited to extend the performance level of our Healthy Ears products with active noise cancellation for greater ambient noise reduction and improved sound quality.”