Hearing Health News

TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired) - Canadians are exposed to dangerous sound levels on a regular basis that can result in hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is becoming a growing health-related issue, especially for younger Canadians. The May 2016 Hearing Awareness Month should...
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Rates of hearing loss doubled in America between 2000 and 2015. So if you find yourself cranking up the TV volume or asking friends and family to SPEAK UP, you’re not alone. Half of all adults over age 50 have...
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It's one of the downsides of technology. The use of MP3's, iPods and other devices is blamed for an increased incidence of hearing loss in young people. Other activities such as playing in a band, noisy clubs and pubs, loud...
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What Is Noise Induced Hearing Loss? First I’d like to touch on exactly what Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is and that is much as it sounds- in short, hearing loss caused by noise. It is a a form of hearing loss that develops...
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