Hearing Health News

You've only got two ears. If you damage your hearing, the two primary options you have are hearing aids, or hearing less or nothing at all. Given neither of those options are attractive, Dr. Matt Taylor, owner of Taylor Hearing...
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By now, anyone with a phone and a penchant for loud music has succumbed to the habit of blaring music in their ears during a morning commute or bopping away at their desk all day long. But surely, those...
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Just as overexposure to the sun in our developing years can lead to skin cancer later in life, overexposure to noise in our teens, 20s and 30s can lead to hearing loss later in life…and sometimes more immediately. “Exposure to...
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EVEN FIELDS — When a concerned family brings their child to the Cranberry Hearing and Balance Center, audiologist Lisa Chandonais’ first concern is the child’s retention or achievement of the best level of hearing possible. Chandonais said the most common...
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Blasting those tunes through your headphones can result in hearing problems when you are older. Parents have given that warning to their children for years — and well they should. Audiologists fear young people are causing serious damage to their...
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