Hearing Health News

SIOUX CITY, Iowa - It's a health problem that's 100% preventable, and it's affecting our kids. It's called Noise Induced Hearing Loss, and some experts say it's the next big epidemic, as the popularity and use of headphones increases. "We...
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TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired) - Canadians are exposed to dangerous sound levels on a regular basis that can result in hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is becoming a growing health-related issue, especially for younger Canadians. The May 2016 Hearing Awareness Month should...
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What Is Noise Induced Hearing Loss? First I’d like to touch on exactly what Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is and that is much as it sounds- in short, hearing loss caused by noise. It is a a form of hearing loss that develops...
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